Chapter 6 - Il punteggio
[workaround per evitare un errore con il sistema standard di notifica punteggi]
When play begins: silently try switching score notification off.
To award (pts - a number):
increase the score by pts;
say "[bracket]Il tuo punteggio è [if pts >= 0]aumentato di [the pts in italian words][otherwise]diminuito [0 minus the pts in italian words][end if] punti[close bracket][paragraph break]".
The maximum score is 1000.
Chapter 7 - Azioni suggerite
Definition: a thing is takeable if it is not scenery and it is not a person and it is not part of something and it is not an enterable container and (it is a cosa-calpestabile or it is not a supporter).
Definition: a thing is pocketable if it is not a cosa-ingombrante and it is not a cosa-calpestabile and it is not a container.
After examining a thing (called the object):
say "[fixed letter spacing]";
if the object is worn by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "togli [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is wearable:
change HI hyperlink text to "indossa [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is carried by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "lascia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is edible:
change HI hyperlink text to "annusa [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "assaggia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "mangia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a puzzle:
if the object is mescolato:
change HI hyperlink text to "risolvi [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "mescola [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a digging-tool:
change HI hyperlink text to "scava";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a spruzzatore:
change HI hyperlink text to "agita [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with P running through persons in the location:
if P is not the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "spruzza [the object] [sup the P]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the matassa di fili di lana:
change HI hyperlink text to "intreccia la matassa";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the fune:
if the cammello is visible and the asino is visible:
change HI hyperlink text to "lega l'asino al cammello";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the forbici:
if the fune is visible:
change HI hyperlink text to "taglia la fune";
print HI hyperlink;
if the rosa is visible:
change HI hyperlink text to "taglia la rosa";
print HI hyperlink;
if the pezzo di carne is visible:
change HI hyperlink text to "taglia la carne";
print HI hyperlink;
if the player wears the grembiule and the object is pocketable:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the object] in tasca";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with RA running through rideable animals in the location:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the object] [sup the RA]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with P running through persons in the location:
if P is not the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "dai [the object] [ap the P]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with S running through supporters in the location:
if S is not the object:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the object] [sup the S]";
print HI hyperlink;
if S is a cosa-calpestabile:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the object] sotto [the S]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with C running through open containers in the location:
if C is not the object:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the object] [inp the C]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is takeable:
change HI hyperlink text to "prendi [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is a container:
if the object is open:
if the object is openable:
change HI hyperlink text to "chiudi [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with Obj running through the things carried by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the Obj] [inp the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "apri [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is enterable:
if the object is a supporter:
if the player is on the object:
change HI hyperlink text to "scendi";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "sali [sup the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is a cosa-calpestabile:
change HI hyperlink text to "tocca [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "guarda sotto [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a container:
if the player is in the object:
change HI hyperlink text to "esci";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "entra [inp the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a rideable animal:
if the player is carried by the object:
change HI hyperlink text to "scendi [dap the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "sali [sup the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with Obj running through the things carried by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "metti [the Obj] [sup the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "spingi [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
repeat with S running through the things carried by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "dai [the S] [ap the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the vecchio saggio:
change HI hyperlink text to "sveglia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "parla [ap the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is a person:
repeat with S running through the things carried by the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "dai [the S] [ap the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the rosa:
change HI hyperlink text to "annusa [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the player carries the forbici:
change HI hyperlink text to "taglia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
if the object is the porta di pietra and the porta di pietra is stregata:
change HI hyperlink text to "apriti sesamo";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the fune:
if the player carries the forbici:
change HI hyperlink text to "taglia [the object]";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the lungo remo:
change HI hyperlink text to "spingi remo";
print HI hyperlink;
change HI hyperlink text to "tira remo";
print HI hyperlink;
otherwise if the object is the striscioline di carne:
repeat with Obj running through persons in the location:
if the Obj is not the player:
change HI hyperlink text to "lancia [the object] [ap the Obj]";
print HI hyperlink;
say "[roman type][no line break]";
continue the action.