Aladino e le Perle di Saggezza — 15 of 49

Leonardo Boselli

Release 7

Section 3 - Discussioni

Check hailing (this is the hail-not-animals rule):

if the current interlocutor is a visible person then

say "Stai già parlando [conp the current interlocutor]." instead;

change the noun to a random visible men who is not the player;

if the noun is not a person then

change the noun to a random visible women who is not the player;

if the noun is a person then

say "(rivolgendoti [ap the noun])";


say "Qui ci sei solo tu." instead.

The hail-not-animals rule is listed instead of the check what's being hailed rule in the check hailing rules.

Understand "argo" as listing suggested topics.

A thing can be discussable or speakable or unspeakable. A thing is usually unspeakable.

Instead of examining a speakable thing (called the argument) when the current interlocutor is a person:

if the argument is listed in the ask-suggestions of the node of the current interlocutor:

try quizzing the current interlocutor about the argument;

otherwise if the argument is listed in the tell-suggestions of the node of the current interlocutor:

try informing the current interlocutor about the argument;


continue the action.

Instead of examining a discussable thing (called the argument):

if the current interlocutor is a person:

if the argument is listed in the ask-suggestions of the node of the current interlocutor:

try quizzing the current interlocutor about the argument;

otherwise if the argument is listed in the tell-suggestions of the node of the current interlocutor:

try informing the current interlocutor about the argument;


say "[arg-discusso argument]";


say "[arg-discusso argument]".

To say arg-discusso (argument - a discussable thing):

say "[The argument] [if the argument is plural-named]sono solo[otherwise]è solo un[end if] argomento di discussione."