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Release 1

Chapter 1b - Il mondo/The World

Section IT (for use with Italian Language by Massimo Stella)

La cucina is a room. The description is "Un[']ampia cucina."

Il salotto is a room. The description is "Un elegante salotto."

Il salotto is north of cucina.

Il cuoco is a man in the cucina. The description is "Un abile [cuoco] intento a cucinare[if the current interlocutor is not the cuoco]. [regarding the player][maiuscolo][Puoi][maiuscolo] parlargli dicendo: '[t]Cuoco, buongiorno[x]'[end if]."

Il tavolo is a supporter in the cucina.

Il mestolo is a thing on the tavolo. The bulk is 2.

La pentola is an open, openable container on the tavolo. The bulk capacity is 10.

Il pollo is an edible thing in the pentola. The bulk is 8. The description is "Un [pollo] appetitoso."

La poltrona is an enterable supporter in the salotto.

L' attaccapanni is a supporter in the salotto.

Il cappello and la sciarpa are wearable things on the attaccapanni.

Il tavolino is a supporter in the salotto.

Il cappotto is a wearable thing.

The player wears the cappotto.